Saturday, October 1, 2011

Some Fall Updates!

Dwarfism Awareness Month
Well FALL is here and believe it or not I love this season! It is so beautiful here on Long Island this time of year! It is sad to see summer go but I look forward to the Fall. Anyway I thought I would start the post off by saying OCTOBER is DWARFISM AWARENESS month! Please check out to learn more about dwarfism. For now I will update my followers on some important information about dwarfism:

  • There are over 200 distinct forms of dwarfism and skeletal dysplasias.
  • People with dwarfism are generally not taller than 4' 10" at adult height. The typical height range is 2'8" to 4'5".
  • Eighty percent of people with dwarfism have average-height parents and siblings.
  • There are an estimated 30,000 people in the United States and 651,000 internationally with a type of dwarfism.
  • In July 2009 the word "midget" was declared inappropriate and offensive. Preferable terms are: having dwarfism, short stature, little person, lp, and the medical terminology use of dwarf. A person's name is always the most preferred.
  • Skeletal Dysplasias affect bone growth, but generally do not affect cognitive abilities.
  • Don't treat people with dwarfism according to their height, instead of their age or ability.  Little people are attorneys, teachers, engineers and doctors. 
Here is an updated photo of our precious LP Lyla Rose. She turned one year old on September 21st. (If you want to see pics from her huge birthday bash look at my previous post).

The girl will not keep her bows in!!!!! She is the happiest baby in the world! So sweet and lovable! She can now pull her self up to stand! She gives kisses. Lyla also loves to dance and will bop up and down to music. She crawls all over our house and she loves to watch her big sister Emma play around the house. Where ever Emma is Lyla will crawl around to find her! When the girls see each other it is instant LOVE all smiles and laughter, It is the sweetest thing to see! She is finally trying to sit up but will fall forward and will catch herself with her hands. We finally can put her in a high chair but it is reclined a little bit for her back. Other than that she is a regular baby. We go to Delaware to visit her doctors on October 16, 2011. She is doing really well!

Here are some updates of what our family has been up to for September: 

Emma Started Pre-School

Our beautiful Emma started Pre-K on September 6th. The girl absolutely loves school. She goes 5 days a week 8:15 to 3:15 and trust me if she could go weekends she would gladly do that too. Our Emma is the friendliest, most outgoing girl ever. The best quality about her is she is constantly giving kisses and hugs to Eddie, Lyla and me. This girl is definitely a daddy's girl! Whatever Emma wants.....daddy gets it for her no questions asked! She is so sweet to her family members and loves being a big sister! Here are a few pics from her first day of Pre-K. It was raining out that day! :(

I wanted to get her this fancy school bag at this girl boutique but my girl wanted a plastic Barbie school bag and I was like.......AWESOME!

She had her raincoat on!

She told Eddie and I the other day that she wanted to marry a boy named Christopher in her class when she is an adult and I said.........don't worry honey, mommy and daddy will throw you the biggest, best wedding ever! Woohoo! I love planning parties for the people I love!

Emma is a soccer player!

Emma wanted to join soccer and Eddie is her coach! He loves coaching his daughter's team. He is such a great daddy! Her team is called the "Cosmos".  She started on September 10th and she is having lots of fun kicking that ball! She hasn't scored a goal yet but hopefully she will do it soon! Here are some pics from their first game!:

She chose the number 3 cause she said she just likes that number! Coach Eddie let all the kids pick whatever number they wanted!

Emma's godmother came to cheer her on! So did her cousin Katie and Uncle Brucie!

Coach Eddie handing out uniforms!

Bethpage Fair

I cannot even begin to tell you how many farms we've visited so far in September! We went apple picking, did a bunch of farm festivals but my favorite is the Bethpage Fair! I used to go there as a kid with my family and we make it a point to go every year! Here are some pics from this awesome time!:

Look at Lyla's juicy legs!!!!

daddy and one of his girls

This was one of Emma's favorite rides!

Group shot in front of these dedication signs in honor of our family members...Aunt Weezie and My grandparents! We've been going to this fair for approx. 30 years!

Sign in honor of my grandparents!

My last and final tradition!

Well I have been doing this blog for a year now and I have shared with you my traditions that I started in my neighborhood (Easter Egg Hunt, Movie Night) and my last and final tradition is....."You've Been Boo'd". It is a fun Halloween surprise. What I do is start the "Boo" by choosing 3 houses. I make goody baskets for the kids in that household. We ring and run at night and leave a "spooky treat" at their door. You can never tell who you boo'd. It is a secret! The kids get such a kick out of this cause they get to ring and run and not get in trouble! Emma got so into it this year! Now she is dying to get boo'd herself! She will have to wait and see!!!! Here are some pics of my goody basket treats I made for the 3 houses! It is all about the kids and my neighborhood is so wonderful! They enjoy it just as much as we do!

I know this was a very long post but I thought what the heck! I hope you enjoyed reading it!

1 comment:

  1. I love the updates! Lyla's hair is getting pretty! Grace would never keep her bows in either. Emma looks fantastic on the soccer field and I'm so glad she'e enjoying school so much. The fair looks like a blast and how cool that your family is such a part of it's history! Great BOO baskets...I hope you get Boo'd back!


Thanks for commenting on our wonderful life! Xoxo Leslie