Wednesday, February 22, 2012

17 months old!

The many faces of Lyla!

        Lyla turned 17 months yesterday! She is becoming her own person and her personality just SHINES!!!! She is still not saying much but she is very smart. She can point to several body parts when you ask her. She nods her head "Yes" and "NO" to communicate with us, when we ask her questions. She points to objects when she wants something. She definitely hears us which is a good thing. Once in a while we will hear a word come out of her mouth but it's not consistent. We all heard her say..."Emma" and her own name "Lyla" clear as day but when we ask her to repeat it she doesn't. She is the sweetest toddler ever and she is such an angel! Here are some pics of our precious Lyla!

The "Oh Crap you caught me!" face
She loves going in our cabinets!

The "I've had it" face
She doesn't like the camera unless she gets to hold it herself.

The "I love you Emma" face
Lyla loves hanging with her big sister!

The "I'm so happy" face
This is how Lyla acts the majority of the day....all smiley

The "OMG how many more pics are you going to take" face
The " I'm a HAM" face

The "You still here" face

The "Can u leave us alone?" face

The "I need to do thigh master" face
Lyla squeezes her thighs all the time! LOL
Lyla is also in the phase of taking all her bows out of her hair and taking off her socks and pants too!


  1. Love seeing the many faces of Lyla!! I can relate to the Thighmaster face, that's for sure! However there is just nothing better than squishy, chubby, achon legs. Lyla reminds me of Liam...he is very smart but he only says new words when he really feels like it...and if we ask him to repeat a word, forget it!! He only does it when he's good and ready. This is the cutest age, I love it!

  2. OMG!!! She is completely ADORABLE!! Seriously, Reid has dibs on beautiful Lyla, just kidding!...But, not really! Ha! Ha! I LOVE the squishy thighs! I keep waiting for Reid to get squishier (sp?) lol! Love all the faces!

  3. P.S. The "I'm so happy face" is my fav!!!! I just want to reach into that pic and grab her!

  4. she is sooooooo cute. i love sisters, they are so cute together!!! you make adorable girls!!!!! i can't believe it's letting me leave a comment! yeah!!

  5. I love her faces. Madison likes to take her socks off too! My favorite is the OMG how many more pics are you going to take!! I am sure Madison is thinking this all the time as well. Orange is a great color on her! She is so precious! I hope we can get the girls together soon!!

  6. She's so cute!!!!!!! I agree with Sarah - orange is her color!

  7. Oh goodness, she is SO cute! Maddy just looked at these photos and said "hi" to all of them. And she thought Lyla was playing peek-a-boo in one of the pictures :)

  8. Your girls are so beautiful! I am cracking up. Carlee is already 4 and she only wears socks, pants and hair bows when we are out. She is FAST too! I buckle her in her car seat and hear her shoes drop almost instantly LOL


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